Please fallow bellow steps to conected your domain name to website.

In order to cenect doman to website you have to pointed doman name to our name saver So please contact your doman provider ask them to do so ,
Once you done allow 48 hours to active .

Domain and Hosting -What is the defferent's between domain and hosting ? 

Domain - Is Website address
Hosting - Mean you host( Save) all  data such as text content,Pictures,video and etc .
In shorst hosting mean save all website data in the saver ,remote computer
(Savers are very smilar to basic computer mechine-but bigger and can save lots of data  .Futher used many software to keep website active  ) 
In order to active or publish website you'll need website address-Domain and Hosting -account save all website details in safe . 
As website builder service provider  keasites provides very affordble package which is cover free hosting and free subdomain., these are good options to active website before buy domain name .
your can have sub-domain such as
In the user pannel there is an option to genetated subdomain . To undestand how you can create subdomain please fallow video guid (Coming soon ) 
Free hosting- There is no need of create  hosting account .Once you created account hosting packages will be automatically generated under your user name . Keasites provides 5 GB data .This sapace are enough to create around five pages website ,or more .It's depence on how much uspace your site using . more pictures could take more space . So better to not add high ghraphic to unnessory pictures . Out Free templates surely can active under above sapace . 
Please keep read bellow to get some basic knowleadge and undestanding about domain nad hosting .Also it's good for your general knowleadge . 

To have a website, you need both a domain and hosting. Your domain gives people a way to find your website, and your hosting is space on a server (a remote computer) where all of your website content resides. Domain are smilar to your hous address reprecenting your website's Hosting is basically save your website data in the computersuch as Pictures,words,and etc. (In short savers-Big cumputer mechine-Smilar CPU ) All add the website will be save in hosting(Saver) like the website's house. In order to active your website . 1 Need domain name And hosting sapace to save your website . Keasites provides free hosting with free subdomain for our users .So you dont need to spend an extra . Its cover in one package .

Domain name are basic letters,  numbers or both represent your website , So inorder to find website computer read unniuqe numbers called IP address . Actually IP  address are representing  behind doman name.

"What is a domain, Well, take a look up there at the top of the screen. See that part at the top of your browser window in the URL bar? It's the part that starts with "http://" in the address bar. The second part of the URL is the domain. In our case, it's You’ll soon discover the definition of an internet domain name and how a domain is used in this handy guide. Numbers are great for a computer, but it's easier for hedgehogs (and people) to use words they can remember. The words used to identify a website are known as the domain or URL, and like the IP address, they're unique to each website. Think of it as a mobile phone: you want to call your mother, so you simply click on your contact "Mom" and your phone dials your mother's phone number. Domains are connected to IP addresses in much the same way.

Title. Use left mouse click or click on icon on the left to edit items.

Free templates

You can choose any template to create website or choose pre-made sections that can be edited easily and publish it with one click.

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